Sunday, 17 March 2013

Old blog home

It is time to move on. With a nostalgic look behind me, a pause to see the good times we have shared, I must now say goodbye to this blogging site.

Truth be told, the tools on this site did not allow me to maintain a certain level that I aspire to. And I'm partly too busy (lazy?) to figure out how to do it precisely how I want it done. So, after plenty of thought, I have packed my mental bags, and moved on to my new location at Easy enough to remember. :-)

See you there!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

A new year. I must give thanks.

Hopefully you are smiling. Hopefully you are feeling fresh. Hopefully you see this as a new chance for greatness. And if none of those apply, and you are waking up groggy, foggy, with a headache... well... it's not too late for you too!

It's been tough to get here. Tough for everyone. But through it all, I have to say a big thank you to those who have supported me. A big thank you to those who have shown me love. A big thank you to those who have educated me. A big thank you to those who have inspired me.

Before anyone gets down to work, they have to be happy in their own skin and have good people around them to make that skin shine, kinda like good skin cream. I count myself blessed to have the good skin cream. :-)

Let's have a good year people. Stay blessed.
