Friday, 25 March 2011

Power plays: who wears the trousers?

In the course of a relationship, there are always power plays. It is often asked "who wears the trousers". But I think that is too simple a way of putting it.

Who runs a country: the head of government or the person they go back and ask for advice as things are getting on top of them and they are having doubts?

Who wields the power in a company? The CEO of course. So how powerful is the PA that organises their busy day?

Who has more power: the person that does what they want because they think they are physically stronger than everyone or the person that gets what they want because they use their mental strength, skills and plan for more than themselves?

Some have figured out how to hold power without wearing trousers. Power is a fluid concept. Like art, like this image, it is in the eye of the beholder.

Where do you see the real power?


Friday, 18 March 2011

Up for maintenance

My website is going through a few changes. Some behind the scenes. Some you will see. A few important changes will probably affect anyone who I have sent a personal link to - that link, I'm afraid to say, probably won't work at the moment. (I actually am afraid to say it because some of my lovely clients seemed like they can be not so lovely!)

If you have a link to a hidden gallery, you will need to contact me and I will provide you with another link. If you have images in the clients section, you can still access it by going to and logging in to your gallery with your previous password.

On top of that, on Friday 18th March (today), my web hosting elves have whispered in my ear that my site may either be slow or fairly dead  between 06.00 and 10.00 GMT. So if you visit during this period and get poor service, I know!!! If you visit after this and get bad service.... That won't be good. Please let me know if this happens. I will have to find out if those elves were actually gremlins. :-(

Sorry about an inconvenience during this period and please tell anyone you know who may not know - mainly wedding guests who are buying images with links you have sent.

Normal service will resume asap (and a better site too)!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Don't like the way you look on video? There's an app for that!

I was reading a news feed (which may well be how you are reading this) and came across this article about a new type of software being developed that allows someone to significantly change the physique of a person in a video - something that was previously possible, but very time consuming. When you watch the video, you have to be amazed.

It reminds me of what Photoshop did to photography - significant editing without the hours in a darkroom and decades of background knowledge brought to the masses.

Take a look.


Friday, 4 March 2011

Women. Power. Fire. Discuss.

Never play with fire. That's what we are always told from when we are old enough to actually pay attention. I wonder if we were secretly also being taught about women?

I came across the art of poi where you fling around a ball of some sort on the end of a cord. (I'm really not doing it justice by that description!) If you get the chance, look it up. It's really amazing to watch. I thought it was probably related to a martial art but it started by the Māori in New Zealand as a performance art.

There is a division of poi called fire poi. Now this (according to Wikipedia which is of course never wrong) was first known to have been displayed by men in private rituals in Hawaii. I think some women must have seen a spirit avatar and been drawn to it!

Fire like some people generates energy you can feel. It can often become the source of attention. We can't do without it. Hell, mixing it with alcohol can quickly become more than you can manage! :-)

It was really a great experience to see fire poi in action. When still, it just glows in the night, demanding attention. When being thrown, the roar of the flames is strangely mesmerizing. A feel of power. Power wielded by the fire poi artist.

Women. Power. Fire. Discuss.